Online Exam Workshop: 3 Keys to Passing Actuarial Exams while Balancing Life & Work
Come learn with us LIVE as we go through an actuarial exam workshop specifically tailor to help give you the framework and foundation to pass your exams quickly while still having the time for other things in your life. This is something all aspiring actuaries should attend!
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CLICK HERE to Claim Your Spot Now
Video Series: Personalized Studying – How to Create a Study Plan You Will Stick To!
Do you find yourself constantly falling behind in studying?
Maybe you had planned to study every night after work for 2 hours but found that things kept popping up. And before you knew it, you’re caught trying to cram in hundreds of hours of studying just weeks before your exam.
We’ve been there, and we’d like to help.
This video series will show you EXACTLY how you to prepare for your next exam, so that you can maximize your study time, pass your exam, and enjoy the things that most important to you. This is the step-by-step video series for every aspiring actuary looking to become credentialed in a way that is a) realistic b) doesn’t require them to become a hermit every four months and c) helps them obtain their Associate (ACAS/ASA) as quickly as possible.
[button color=”dark” size=”medium” url=”” target=”_blank”]CLICK HERE to Start this Video Series Now![/button]
CLICK HERE to start this FREE Video Series Now
Actuarial Job Course: Learn the skills you need to land an entry-level actuarial job
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:
Develop your Personal Brand to differentiate you from the crowd through videos, worksheets, samples, and more.
Step-by-Step process to building relationships to find out about jobs and roles and become “top-of-mind” to potential employers.
Avoid common roadblocks and pitfalls with your resume and interviews that could be preventing you from landing the job!
This is a full-length course with videos, worksheets, tools, and community all geared to help your get your entry-level actuarial job and start your actuarial career.
[button color=”dark” size=”medium” url=”” target=”_blank”]CLICK HERE to Start this Course Now![/button]
CLICK HERE to learn how to land your entry-level job with this free course now!